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Picture of statistics in Birmingham after 18 months

Helps local people who want to develop small enterprises to complement established day services by offering highly personalised alternatives.

Work is focused on the Hodge Hill, Erdington and Hall Green areas of the City and works alongside a roll-out of strengths-based, innovative approaches to social care and social work are already underway.

Active work has been undertaken to help workers, people and their families to find out about the new supports on offer and to build trust with the people running the enterprises. A Fun Fest event brought together well over 100 people representing community micro-enterprises, people with a learning disability and/or autism and their families.

In 2020, the project was extended for 2 years. In 2022 the project received another extension for a further 2 years.

As part of the project, we have developed a directory to showcase community enterprises in the local area.

Photos of micro-enterprises we have helped
Some of the community micro-enterprises we have supported

The Buzz

Description of The Buzz