I had the pleasure of meeting with Bethan Rogers, unpaid carers development officer/ swyddog datblygu gofalwyr di-dâl (tîm Contractau a Chomisiynu/Commissioning & Contracts team).
Bethan shared that Carers Rights Day will be taking place on Thursday 21st November 2024, and this year’s theme is ‘recognising your rights’. Wrexham County Borough Council’s Commissioning team’s aim is to help carers recognise and understand their rights, and to access the support available to them, whenever they need it.
Carers Rights Day is about raising awareness of unpaid carers’ rights and entitlements, to help carers get the support they need. Whether someone has recently become a carer, realised they have been caring for a while without support, or has been caring for someone for many years, it’s important that they understand their rights and are able to access the support that is available to them.
They will be holding a drop-in information session during the week of Carers Rights Day, on Saturday 23rd November from 11:00 – 14:00 at Wrexham Library.
Organisations attending include NEWCIS, WCD Young Carers, Family Information Service, Direct Payments team, Occupational Therapy, AVOW, ASNEW (Advocacy), Community Catalysts, and Advanced Brighter Futures.
Cllr John Pritchard, Lead Member for Adult Social Care, said “This event in Wrexham Library is a chance for all unpaid carers to drop in and find information and advice about the services and support that is available to them. I would encourage all unpaid carers to attend.”
They will be holding an online unpaid carers forum on Thursday 21st November from 10:00 – 11:00. This forum will be a chance to discuss the issues that are facing unpaid carers, celebrate the positive work being done, and discuss ways in which they could improve support. If you would like to join the forum, please email commissioning@wrexham.gov.uk for the joining link.
Carers Rights Day empowers carers with information and support. It helps them feel confident asking for what they need and challenging things when their rights are not being met, whether that be in the workplace or education, in accessing health or social care, when interacting with other professionals, or at home.
In Wrexham, adult unpaid carers can access support, information, and advice from NEWCIS, and young carers can access support through WCD Young Carers.
As mentioned before, Community Catalysts will be attending the drop-in session on Saturday 23rd November. If you have any questions about the Community Catalysts development programme, or are interested in developing your own enterprise, please come along and ask away!