Eddie Bartnik, Director of Tamar Consultancy Pty Ltd
Eddie is Director of Tamar Consultancy and has 30 years uninterrupted leadership experience with Local Area Coordination at state, national and international levels. He had 20 years of deep experience with Local Area Coordination in Western Australia, including as state-wide Director of Local Area Coordination where he led scaling to full state-wide coverage. Eddie has since consulted widely with interstate and international Local Area Coordination implementation as well as national implementation in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). He has a unique long-term view.
Ralph Broad, Director of Inclusive Neighbourhoods
Ralph led the development of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales. He has also supported new developments in Western Australia and Singapore, as well as supporting NDIS partner organisations in Australia. He is founder of the Local Area Coordination Network in England and Wales.
Nick Sinclair, Director of the Local Area Coordination Network
Nick works for Community Catalysts leading the Local Area Coordination Network across England and Wales. He works alongside those involved in the approach, bringing the Network together and finding ways to bring the vision to even more areas.