Family and Group Conferencing for Adults
Research and Practice Network
The next get-together of the FGC Adults Research and Practice Network will be taking place on Tuesday May 14th in Birmingham.
We are thinking in terms of 10.30 for coffee, 11.00 start and finish at 3.30 – with a generous hour for lunch and networking. The venue will be close to the University train station (with frequent trains to and from Birmingham New Street station).
The day will be for anyone with an interest in Family and Group Conferencing for Adults. It will be an opportunity to discuss current practice issues, share our early research findings and connect with those who may be establishing (or thinking about establishing) new FGC services. We will also be keen to explore how FGC can link in with other strengths or community asset based approaches such as Local Area Coordination.
We will be circulating more details in the next few weeks alongside an invitation to register via Eventbrite. If you have anything that you would like to put on the agenda, please email Sean Ahern on or Jerry Tew on .