How do we know Local Area Coordination works?

Local Area Coordination started in 1988 in Western Australia and came to England and Wales in 2009.  Since then, there have been 15 independent academic evaluations carried out on different English and Welsh programmes.

The findings have shown consistent impacts in line with the model’s aims:

System outcomes:

 Reductions in:

  • Visits to GP surgery and A&E.
  • Dependence on formal health and social services.
  • Referrals to mental health team and adult social care.
  • Safeguarding concerns, people leaving safeguarding sooner.
  • Evictions and costs to housing.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Dependence on day services.
  • Out of area placements by bringing people home.

Evidence shows the model helps to simplify the system, drives integration, strengthens cross-system collaboration and creates shared system outcomes.

For people and communities:
  • Increased informal and valued supportive relationships – reducing isolation.
  • Increasing capacity of families to continue in a caring community.
  • Greater confidence in the future.
  • Better knowledge and connection with community.
  • Improved access to information  choice and control.
  • Better control over own lives.
  • Better resourced communities.
  • Support into volunteering, training and employment.
  • Preventing crises through early intervention and supporting people who do not meet statutory eligibility criteria.
  • Improved access to specialist services.
Social Value created:

The evaluations including Social Return on Investment (SROI) have shown Local Area Coordination generating at least £4 of social value for every £1 invested.

The Local Area Coordination Network facilitates connections between and joint work with researchers and evaluators working with Local Area Coordination sites. Contact us to find out more.

The evaluations of the different programmes include:

Local Area Coordination in York: The Partners’ Perspectives

This report is an analysis of the opinions of 107 of City of York Council’s partners working with and alongside the Local Area Coordination team.

Download the report.

Local Area Coordination in York: The Partners’ Perspectives

This report is an analysis of the opinions of 107 of City of York Council’s partners working with and alongside the Local Area Coordination team.

Download the report.

Local Area Coordination in Surrey: introducer (partner) perspectives

This report, by Nick Sinclair, is an analysis of the opinions of introducing partners to Surrey Local Area Coordinators. It was commissioned as a supplementary aspect of Surrey County Council’s forthcoming formative evaluation.

Download the report.

Independent formative evaluation of Surrey’s Local Area Coordination programme

This report, carried out by Dr. Sandhya Duggal of St Andrew’s University, outlines how in a relatively short time Local Area Coordination in Surrey has achieved several successes across three domains of people, community, and systems.

Download the report.

An analysis of 6 stories of Local Area Coordination in Surrey: positive changes and costs avoided

This report, by Nick Sinclair, is an impact analysis of 6 stories of Local Area Coordination in Surrey. It also includes an indicative cost avoidance analysis. It was commissioned as a supplementary aspect of Surrey County Council’s forthcoming formative evaluation.

Download the report.

Independent formative evaluation of Surrey’s Local Area Coordination programme

This report, carried out by Dr. Sandhya Duggal of St Andrew’s University, outlines how in a relatively short time Local Area Coordination in Surrey has achieved several successes across three domains of people, community, and systems.

Download the report.

Local Area Coordination in Surrey: introducer (partner) perspectives

This report, by Nick Sinclair, is an analysis of the opinions of introducing partners to Surrey Local Area Coordinators. It was commissioned as a supplementary aspect of Surrey County Council’s forthcoming formative evaluation.

Download the report.

An analysis of 6 stories of Local Area Coordination in Surrey: positive changes and costs avoided

This report, by Nick Sinclair, is an impact analysis of 6 stories of Local Area Coordination in Surrey. It also includes an indicative cost avoidance analysis. It was commissioned as a supplementary aspect of Surrey County Council’s forthcoming formative evaluation.

Download the report.

Transforming adult social care systems? A systematic review of the costs and outcomes of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales

This review by Thiery et al. of 14 existing studies of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales set out to understand the evidence base of the costs and outcomes of Local Area Coordination programmes. It found a range of outcomes and costs for individuals, families, communities, and systems, reported across the studies.

Download the review.

Transforming adult social care systems? A systematic review of the costs and outcomes of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales

This review by Thiery et al. of 14 existing studies of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales set out to understand the evidence base of the costs and outcomes of Local Area Coordination programmes. It found a range of outcomes and costs for individuals, families, communities, and systems, reported across the studies.

Download the review.

Derby evaluation report 2018-2021 and social return on investment report

Evaluation and Social Return on Investment (SROI) reports of Local Area Coordination in Derby 2018-2021 were published with accompanying case studies.

Download the reports and case studies.

Implementing asset-based integrated care: a tale of two localities

This paper by Sandhya Duggal, Robin Miller and Denise Tanner, examines the implementation of asset-based integrated care in the UK by comparing Local Area Coordination within two localities in England.

Download the paper.

How and why does Local Area Coordination work for people in different contexts?

An article produced by James Mason, Chad Otley, Kevin Harris, and Louis Ryan, which draws upon the findings of a realist evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight and establishes how and why the programme works for people and local communities.

Download the full article.

Implementing asset-based integrated care: a tale of two localities

This paper by Sandhya Duggal, Robin Miller and Denise Tanner, examines the implementation of asset-based integrated care in the UK by comparing Local Area Coordination within two localities in England.

Download the paper.

Derby evaluation report 2018-2021 and social return on investment report

Evaluation and Social Return on Investment (SROI) reports of Local Area Coordination in Derby 2018-2021 were published with accompanying case studies.

Download the reports and case studies.

How and why does Local Area Coordination work for people in different contexts?

An article produced by James Mason, Chad Otley, Kevin Harris, and Louis Ryan, which draws upon the findings of a realist evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight and establishes how and why the programme works for people and local communities.

Download the full article.

Derby evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Derby by the Department for Education was published.

Download the Derby evaluation.

Effectiveness of local responses to COVID-19

Series of research reports from the The MoVE Project – a collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield, Hull, and Leeds. The research considers the effectiveness of local responses to COVID-19 with focus on Local Area Coordination, alongside other approaches.

Download report 1# – lessons from lockdown.

Download report 2# – models and frameworks for coordinating.

Synthesis of evaluations

Synthesis from Neil Lunt, Laura Bainbridge, and Simon Rippon draws upon published evaluations of Local Area Coordination, and explores the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing strength-, assets- and placed-based initiatives within Local Authority social service settings.

Download the evaluation synthesis.

Effectiveness of local responses to COVID-19

Series of research reports from the The MoVE Project – a collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield, Hull, and Leeds. The research considers the effectiveness of local responses to COVID-19 with focus on Local Area Coordination, alongside other approaches.

Download report 1# – lessons from lockdown.

Download report 2# – models and frameworks for coordinating.

Derby evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Derby by the Department for Education was published.

Download the Derby evaluation.

Synthesis of evaluations

Synthesis from Neil Lunt, Laura Bainbridge, and Simon Rippon draws upon published evaluations of Local Area Coordination, and explores the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing strength-, assets- and placed-based initiatives within Local Authority social service settings.

Download the evaluation synthesis.

Derby and Thurrock evaluation learning outcomes

TLAP and Kingfishers completed an evaluation of the learning outcomes from the independently produced Derby and Thurrock Social Return on Investment (SROI) reports.

Download the Derby and Thurrock evaluation learning outcomes.

Isle of Wight evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight by Solent University, Southampton was published.

Download the Isle of Wight evaluation.

Haringey formative evaluation

The formative evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Haringey by Leeds Beckett University was published.

Download the Haringey evaluation.

York summative evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in York by the University of York was published.

Download the York summary.
Download the York evaluation.

Haringey formative evaluation

The formative evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Haringey by Leeds Beckett University was published.

Download the Haringey evaluation.

Derby and Thurrock evaluation learning outcomes

TLAP and Kingfishers completed an evaluation of the learning outcomes from the independently produced Derby and Thurrock Social Return on Investment (SROI) reports.

Download the Derby and Thurrock evaluation learning outcomes.

York summative evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in York by the University of York was published.

Download the York summary.
Download the York evaluation.

Isle of Wight evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight by Solent University, Southampton was published.

Download the Isle of Wight evaluation.

Waltham Forest independent evaluation

The formative evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Waltham Forest by Leeds Beckett University was published.

Download the Waltham Forest formative evaluation.

Suffolk independent evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Suffolk by the University of Essex was published.

Download the Suffolk evaluation.
Download the Suffolk evaluation summary.

Isle of Wight independent evaluation

The independent evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight by Wessex Academic Health Science Network was published.

Download the Isle of Wight independent evaluation.

Suffolk independent evaluation

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Suffolk by the University of Essex was published.

Download the Suffolk evaluation.
Download the Suffolk evaluation summary.

Waltham Forest independent evaluation

The formative evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Waltham Forest by Leeds Beckett University was published.

Download the Waltham Forest formative evaluation.

Isle of Wight independent evaluation

The independent evaluation of Local Area Coordination on the Isle of Wight by Wessex Academic Health Science Network was published.

Download the Isle of Wight independent evaluation.

Swansea University

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea by Swansea University, in partnership with the Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme was published.

Download the Swansea University Local Area Coordination evaluation report.

Swansea University

The evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea by Swansea University, in partnership with the Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme was published.

Download the Swansea University Local Area Coordination evaluation report.

Derby SROI

TLAP launched a report that looks at the Social Return on Investment (SROI) for Local Area Coordination in Derby, alongside another that compares the results with Thurrock. The report was funded by TLAP and developed from our work with a number of health and wellbeing boards to embed our earlier ‘Strong and Inclusive Communities Framework’.

Download the Derby SROI.

Leicestershire evaluation and social return on investment

Leicestershire County Council and M·E·L research launched an evaluation report for Local Area Coordination in Leicestershire which looked at the Social Return on Investment (SROI).

Download the summary.
Download the Leicestershire evaluation and Social Return on Investment report.

Southampton Solent Isle of Wight formative evaluation

Following on from recent Social Return on Investment (SROI) evaluations in Derby City and Thurrock (and previous national and international studies), this report provides context to understand the early findings from implementing Local Area Coordination, and offers areas for conversations to build and enhance the effectiveness of Local Area Coordination in working alongside people, communities, organisations, and agencies in practice to better enable people to achieve their vision of a good life on the Isle of Wight.

Download the Southampton Solent Isle of Wight formative evaluation.

Leicestershire evaluation and social return on investment

Leicestershire County Council and M·E·L research launched an evaluation report for Local Area Coordination in Leicestershire which looked at the Social Return on Investment (SROI).

Download the summary.
Download the Leicestershire evaluation and Social Return on Investment report.

Derby SROI

TLAP launched a report that looks at the Social Return on Investment (SROI) for Local Area Coordination in Derby, alongside another that compares the results with Thurrock. The report was funded by TLAP and developed from our work with a number of health and wellbeing boards to embed our earlier ‘Strong and Inclusive Communities Framework’.

Download the Derby SROI.

Southampton Solent Isle of Wight formative evaluation

Following on from recent Social Return on Investment (SROI) evaluations in Derby City and Thurrock (and previous national and international studies), this report provides context to understand the early findings from implementing Local Area Coordination, and offers areas for conversations to build and enhance the effectiveness of Local Area Coordination in working alongside people, communities, organisations, and agencies in practice to better enable people to achieve their vision of a good life on the Isle of Wight.

Download the Southampton Solent Isle of Wight formative evaluation.

Thurrock SROI

Thurrock Council and Kingfishers launched a report that looks at the Social Return on Investment (SROI) for Local Area Coordination and adult social care in Thurrock.

Download the Thurrock SROI report.

Thurrock SROI

Thurrock Council and Kingfishers launched a report that looks at the Social Return on Investment (SROI) for Local Area Coordination and adult social care in Thurrock.

Download the Thurrock SROI report.

Thurrock 14 month evaluation report

Thurrock Council published their 14 month evaluation report of Local Area Coordination in Thurrock.

Download the Thurrock evaluation.

Thurrock 14 month evaluation report

Thurrock Council published their 14 month evaluation report of Local Area Coordination in Thurrock.

Download the Thurrock evaluation.

Middlesbrough 8 month evaluation report

Peter Fletcher Associates Ltd published their 8 month evaluation report of Local Area Coordination in Middlesbrough.

Download the Middlesborough evaluation.

Middlesbrough 8 month evaluation report

Peter Fletcher Associates Ltd published their 8 month evaluation report of Local Area Coordination in Middlesbrough.

Download the Middlesborough evaluation.