Care Development East have some great new workshops coming up on topics like ‘sex and sexuality in Adult Social Care’ and ‘Dysphagia awareness’.
Dementia Connect is on hand to support anyone in the area affected by dementia. Join them at their next free online lunch and learn session on 20th January.
The Suffolk joint learning disability strategy works to help people with learning disabilities to live good lives as part of their community, with the right support at the right time from the right people.
As the colder weather draws in, Communities Together East Anglia have put together this helpful information about the location of warm spaces throughout the county.
Suffolk County Council want to hear from you to create a countywide support service for community groups and organisations in Suffolk.
Healthwatch Suffolk is working with Suffolk County Council’s Public Health and Communities team to explore people’s views about ageing locally.
Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk have produced a short guide to helping people with cost of living problems.
‘Let it Grow’ is a relaxed and therapeutic approach to learning the basics about horticulture and the environment, with priority given to those experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness, or social isolation.
If you have one hour a week to spare, you could train to become a compassionate community volunteer, helping people within your community.
Suffolk Family Carers want to hear from you or the person you care for if either of you have served in, or are serving in, the UK armed forces.
Webinar from Feel Good Suffolk.
New sporting memories group at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre.