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Katy Murray

Photo of Katy Murray

Over the past 25 years Katy has worked locally, regionally and nationally for and with government agencies, Disabled People’s User Led Organisations, voluntary and community partners, individuals with lived experience and their families to design and implement effective processes and systems to enable people to address disabling barriers through having greater choice and control over their lives. This has included direct payments and personal health budgets.

Katy recently learnt that she is neurodiverse, and joined Community Catalysts because she wanted to flourish and grow and have a role in an inclusive and collaborative values-based organisation.

Katy continues to be passionate about social justice and independent living, and understands how important it is for people of all ages and backgrounds to have choice and control in all aspects of their life.

Katy is excited by the possibilities and opportunities in her Catalyst role in Suffolk, working alongside new people, partners and communities to support local people with fabulous ideas to start up wonderful creative hyper local community enterprises that add huge value to the lives of older people.