Helping local people help other local people.
Final report of community micro-enterprise projects across South Lakes, Furness and Eden.
An end of project report which highlights the achievements and impact of micro-enterprises in Birmingham 2022-24.
Business case for supporting investment in and development of community micro-enterprises.
Learnings from our partnership project with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
A guide for people who are running small enterprises offering care or support to others.
A project report celebrating the successes from our Rotherham partnership to help local people create micro-enterprises.
Business case that makes the case for investment in support of community businesses.
Report on a study into community micro-enterprise as a driver of local economic development in social care.
Learning from a Birmingham University evaluation into our Enterprising Communities project.
Report assessing the impact of Community Catalysts, with a focus on community micro-enterprises.
Birmingham University report on a two-year research project of micro-enterprises in social care.
Building on strengths and unlocking potential.
An easy read guide developed as part of MacIntyre’s Great Communities project.
A summary report and recommendations from an event held in November 2019.
Film to celebrate the first year of a project supporting people with learning disabilities or autism.
Discovering, learning and doing things better.
A report of the innovative collaboration between Stonewater and Community Catalysts that provided Stonewater with practical tools to understand and develop the strengths of local people and their places.
Report that brings together the learning from The Big Conversation project.
Report that captures the experience of people living with dementia through partnership working in Scotland.
Report on a project to support disabled people use their strengths, become active citizens and grow their independence.
A summary of our impact for 2023-24.
Impact report for 2022-23.