Veronica worked in a variety of part time jobs until her eldest child went to university. The subsequent changes in her family life encouraged her to enrol on her own degree course in Health & Social Care with The Open University. She graduated in 2010 with First Class Honours.
Veronica began working for Suffolk County Council in Children & Young People’s Services as a Contact Supervisor, before becoming a Family Support Practitioner. Veronica enjoyed supporting young people and their families to make sustained, positive changes within their lives.
In 2015 Veronica changed direction and began working on a short-term project commissioned by West Suffolk CCG, engaging with care homes and their residents to put in place end of life care plans and wishes. Although some people feel end of life planning is a difficult subject to manage, many older people welcome these frank and person-centred discussions.
After working on another project to set up a healthcare clinic, in 2017 Veronica joined the housing options team at West Suffolk Council. Veronica enjoyed working alongside colleagues and other professionals supporting people into permanent housing.
Veronica enjoys networking which translates well into her role as a Community Enterprise Catalyst.
In her spare time, Veronica enjoys walking her three dogs, motorbiking (as a pillion passenger) with her husband and indulging in her great passion, sewing.