September 2024
Updates on Local Area Coordination, the work of the Network and
the areas implementing the approach.
In this edition we’ll be covering:
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A note from from Nick Sinclair,
Director of the Local Area Coordination Network
Hello all and welcome to this month’s newsletter. Thanks as always to Lily for putting it together and finding some interesting and useful articles and notices to include.
This September we’ve been flat out busy with development. We’ve had loads inductions, training and community recruitment going on. Tom reflects on this in his great article about coproduction and the power of community recruitment in Local Area Coordination. It offers a really interesting insight in to the process and the difference it makes – do check it out below!
Other September highlights have included workshops with folks in new areas of Oxfordshire set to develop Local Area Coordination, a presentation to 115 Local Authority commissioners and a great workshop with South Tyneside’s Local Area Coordination Leadership Group. The South Tyneside workshop was attended by a local person who’d had a Local Area Coordinator alongside her. She shared her powerful story about how her life changed following a health issue which left her feeling stuck and increasingly isolated with apparently limited options other than service ones. However following an introduction from the Social Worker to her Local Area Coordinator she eventually developed an active and supportive group of local friends instead, and is now making an impact in her own community by sharing her gifts and talents with others. Her moving words really brought home the difference Local Area Coordination makes when we take the time to really listen and understand someone’s vision of a good life, exploring creative options centred around strengths, interests and goals. It is an approach that starts with the person, their vision, their strengths, their natural authority and it works outwardly from there.
That’s all from me, but as always a huge thank you for your support and interest in Local Area Coordination.
Enjoy the newsletter.
Nick Sinclair
Community Catalysts CIC
York House
10 Haywra Street
Proud to be Part of the Community Catalysts family
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