27 December 2018

Three super stories…

We have three ‘super stories’ to share about three ‘super people’ who have been connected to Local Area Coordination in…

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21 December 2018

Our December newsletter is out!

This month’s edition includes: Three super stories Community connections at Christmas Giving people lifts Blogs and more… Read the newsletter…

Read more about Our December newsletter is out!
9 November 2018

Independent evaluation of Suffolk Local Area Coordination programme has been published

The independent evaluation of the Local Area Coordination programme in Suffolk has now been published. The evaluation was compiled by…

Read more about Independent evaluation of Suffolk Local Area Coordination programme has been published
29 October 2018

Formative Evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Waltham Forest has been published

  The evaluation took place in the early stages of operation of Local Area Coordination in Waltham Forest. The evaluation demonstrates…

Read more about Formative Evaluation of Local Area Coordination in Waltham Forest has been published
26 October 2018

Views from a new Local Area Coordinator in York…

I write this, 7 weeks into my new role as a Local Area Coordinator. As I move from one phase…

Read more about Views from a new Local Area Coordinator in York…
17 October 2018

Local Area Coordination Theory for Change

In partnership with the Local Area Coordination Network and Inclusive Neighbourhoods, Leeds Beckett University have produced a proposed theory for…

Read more about Local Area Coordination Theory for Change
17 July 2018

International Initiative for Disability Leadership (IIDL) Learning Exchange – summary report

The IIDL Exchange took place at the end of May with the Local Area Coordination Network, Thurrock Council and Inclusive…

Read more about International Initiative for Disability Leadership (IIDL) Learning Exchange – summary report
6 July 2018

Community Catalysts and the Local Area Coordination Network are Better Together – a blog by Sian Lockwood

29th June 2018 will always be a hugely significant date in the life of Community Catalysts, as it marks the…

Read more about Community Catalysts and the Local Area Coordination Network are Better Together – a blog by Sian Lockwood