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Work for yourself community support

Community Catalysts can help you to set up offering support or activities in your community for older or disabled people, including people with learning disabilities.


Infographic of people knitting

What might you offer?

You might want to set up a support group, social club or activity like an inclusive yoga class, painting sessions, DIY support, cookery, gardening, archery, arts and crafts, photography, language classes… you name it, you can do it!  Or you might simply want to support people to access activities in the community. If you have an idea for a community activity or support that you’d like to run and you want it to be inclusive to all people, regardless of age or disability – we can help you!

You may even run a community activity already that you’d like to expand.  You might want to charge for the activity or you might want to do it on a voluntary basis. It doesn’t matter to us.

Our support is free – funded by your local council

Why set up?

  • Work for yourself.
  • Share your skills.
  • Offer something new.
  • Support local people.

How we’ll help

We can help you every step of the way. We’ll support you to follow the right rules and regulation, market your offer, learn about funding opportunities, feel part of a community and help you access training.  Setting up your own community-enterprise might be easier than you think!

Find out more

Leave your details and we’ll be in touch.

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You don’t need any business or care experience to get our support but you do need to know what good care looks like and want to help people near you. If this sounds like you and you want to know more get in touch today.

Who we are

We are a social enterprise called Community Catalysts and every day we help passionate people like you to get set up offering care and support to others.