We believe in seeing possibilities, not problems. We know that better is possible for health and social care. Through our work we’ve been alongside many people and communities and helped them to make positive changes.
Maybe you want more people’s voices in the design of services or have a system process or a culture you want to change? Or perhaps you see a need for a more preventative strategy and plan for your service?
We want you to see the possibilities and support you to make it happen!
We can help you to reimagine how you deliver your services and supports and do them even better! We will:
• Be a learning partner – work alongside you to support, challenge and assist you to do things better
• Support you to unpick messy processes and complex issues
• Help you Include people better and give you the tools to listen
Together we will come up with practical and creative ideas and ways of doing things that meet your aspirations.
Learn more about our ‘Innovators Learn’ work:
We put people and relationships before the system. Our team has expertise in supporting deep reflection, facilitating quality conversations, coproducing projects and creating spaces for change in areas such as leadership. While our knowledge and approaches are based on good evidence, we don’t believe in ‘one-size-fits-all’.
We welcome conversations with local authority or organisational leads, or service or team managers who want to reimagine and change approaches to how services are designed and delivered.
For a conversation, email: info@communitycatalysts.co.uk
Below you will get a flavour of what we offer and our partnership projects. We have a strong track record of supporting people and organisations to see the possibilities