Do you want more people’s voices in the design of services or have a system process you want to change? Or perhaps you see a need for a more preventative strategy and plan for your service?
The Big Conversation might be the approach for you.
The Big Conversation supports people and organisations to have quality and insightful conversations with communities and groups to coproduce action plans for change. It is flexible and adaptable, taking into consideration the wonderfully messy nature of organisations.
We don’t believe in ‘one-size-fits-all’. Everything we do is adapted to meet local circumstances. And that includes The Big Conversation.
While we adapt the approach to your circumstances, here’s an outline of how we can help you.
With you, we will:
Here are the principles that underpin our approach.
In partnership with Our Voice and Nottinghamshire County Council we facilitated several conversations and workshops as part of our Big Conversation that informed the creation of the council’s adult social care strategy. It included the voices of 542 people: 277 unpaid carers and 265 people who draw on social care.
With Bolton Cares and Bolton Council: we launched a joint Big Conversation about a fresh approach to day services in Bolton. This developed into a re-framing of services and is now known as Life Opportunities. It offers new connections into the community to have fun, build friendships and to adapt to ever-changing aspirations for how people spend their time.
Our methodology
The Big Conversation uses the Making it Real framework approach to gathering people’s experiences of health and social care. We use what we learn to develop a plan of action or advise on action to take. We are agile and use creative methods that are not restricted by existing procedures.
We hear from quieter voices
Our research methods enable us to hear from quieter voices. In the past we have engaged effectively with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, the deaf community and many communities with English as a second language.
Our objectivity
We offer an impartial viewpoint, free from internal biases or political influences that might affect in-house research, meaning findings can be trusted by stakeholders.
Our engagement and partnership working
We develop deep relationships with local stakeholders, taking time to onboard them and gain their invaluable insights and experience. We always engage meaningfully with local coproduction groups, such as Our Voice in Nottinghamshire. We have existing relationships with relevant national stakeholders, and in the past have worked with partners such as Social Care Future in our Big Conversation projects.
The scalability
We can scale our research efforts up or down more easily to meet the needs of a project. Whether it’s a small or a large evaluation, we can work with you.
Here are some of the things that people have said about The Big Conversation.
We welcome conversations with local authority or organisational leads, or service or team managers who want to explore the possibilities of The Big Conversation.
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