Monica has been supported by Community Catalysts in Central Bedfordshire to set up a CQC registered service.
Mrs Organiser was founded by Naomi with the support of her local Catalyst as part of the Kent Community Enterprise Project.
Leanne decided to take the leap and set up her own community enterprise dedicated to offering the benefits of massage to local people.
Connie set up East Kent Care with the mission of enabling people to have the care and support they need whilst staying in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes.
Sue leads the arts charity Arts Without Boundaries in West Kent and is passionate about giving everyone an opportunity to express their talents and ideas.
Natascha set up her own community micro-enterprise – Natascha Duske Care – offering care and support to people in the Northern Fells area of Cumbria.
When Helen first got in touch with Community Catalysts, she knew she wanted to become self-employed and set up her own community enterprise.
Tina and Yvonne are two local Kent-based entrepreneurs who have both been supported by Community Catalysts to get their new community enterprises launched.
Alex Corbett set up her own community enterprise – Canny Care – to offer personal and friendly care and support in the local area of Cockermouth in Cumbria.
Kristal shares the story of the support she received from a local Catalyst to set up her own community micro-enterprise.
Story of how one community micro-enterprise has helped others to get started.
A short-term project to capture stories from people with a learning disability in Islington who are contributing to their local community in a variety of ways.