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Reimagining social care

How we see the world matters

Community Catalysts works with people to create a choice of care and support in local communities. We see and believe in choice and abundance where others see a lack of money, resources and support. And we want others to see and believe in abundance and choice too.

In the following fictional story, Mavis and Meena live in two separate worlds and have very different experiences of care and support. Watching will help you understand how systems and perceptions can impact on the possibilities for a good life.

The right vision and systems in areas like assessment, brokerage, direct payments and commissioning can widen that view, widening the options for people at the same time. 

A new vision for social care

Through the eyes of Mavis and Meena we can see how a narrow view of social care impacts on the possibilities for people and communities. Another way is possible.

We call local authorities across health and social care to rethink their perceptions, vision and and systems –  to imagine a world of abundance and possibility.

All of our approaches focus on abundance – the strengths of people, their connections and communities. And these qualities are seen across all our work whether it’s Community Micro-enterprise Development, Local Area Coordination or Innovators Learn.

If you’re interested in reimaging how you do social care, we’d love to hear from you.