Final report of community micro-enterprise projects across South Lakes, Furness and Eden.
An end of project report which highlights the achievements and impact of micro-enterprises in Birmingham 2022-24.
Business case for supporting investment in and development of community micro-enterprises.
Learnings from our partnership project with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
A guide for people who are running small enterprises offering care or support to others.
A project report celebrating the successes from our Rotherham partnership to help local people create micro-enterprises.
Business case that makes the case for investment in support of community businesses.
Report on a study into community micro-enterprise as a driver of local economic development in social care.
Learning from a Birmingham University evaluation into our Enterprising Communities project.
Report assessing the impact of Community Catalysts, with a focus on community micro-enterprises.
Birmingham University report on a two-year research project of micro-enterprises in social care.