Lots of people need help, perhaps because they are older, disabled or have a long-term health condition. You might be looking for help to get out and about, get washed or dressed, manage your garden, meet friends, pursue hobbies or to work. All the supports on this site are run by local people for local people and on a very small scale. They usually offer care and support in really flexible (and often unusual) ways, at times and in ways that suit you. There are people who can support you whatever your financial circumstances. You might be looking for the kind of help that doesn’t cost money or be planning to pay from your own pocket. You might be getting financial help from your local council or health authority, and perhaps have a Personal Budget.
Things to think about
It is important to be aware that just because an organisation or individual is on this site, this does not mean that they have been accredited or approved in any way by Small Good Stuff. See the small print stuff below for a bit more information about what this means in practice.
We recommend that before you use or buy service or support from anyone on this site, you check them out first. You are purchasing services or support directly from them, so you need to be sure they will do what you want in the way that you want it. The questions you’ll need to ask and the things you’ll need to find out will be personal to you and your circumstances. That said, we’ve thought of a few things that might help to get you started, read more about them here.
Small print stuff
Small Good Stuff cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the information provided by any provider on this site. We cannot guarantee quality or satisfaction if you decide to use any of the services of any provider on this site, and we will not arbitrate or participate in any resolving any dispute that you may have with any provider on this site.
A note on language
While we try not to use labels at Small Good Stuff, we recognise that people may describe what they’re looking for in different ways. In your own life, you might talk about ‘homecare’, ‘private care’, ‘live-in care’, ‘personal care’, ‘day care’ or a ‘PA’, ‘care worker’ or ‘paid carer’ – whatever you’re looking for, you can find a whole variety of tailored support on Small Good Stuff that all comes down to local people helping other local people – take a look.
Lots of people offer help to other people in their local community. They might do this as a good neighbour, as a volunteer or on a paid basis. The Small Good Stuff directory is free and offers individuals and small organisations or groups a chance to tell people what they offer. It brings together all the people doing something similar into one place and works on the principle that …
More and more people recognise that the best care and support comes when the people on the receiving end take control of how and where it happens. Increasingly people are taking control, making their own arrangements and sometimes using their own money or a personal budget to pay if this is needed. Slowly but surely this is leading to real change in the way people get care and support – and that can only be a good thing! We know that once people take control, they want a choice from supports that are as different as they are. We know that with a bit of help there are local people and groups who can offer what people need. Small Good Stuff is trying to bring the two parts of this jigsaw together.