Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Hobbies and interests, Personal care, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Transport,
My Experience
My name is Emma, and I have been a care worker for 20 years. I am a cheerful and smiley person who enjoys helping and caring for people.
Formal Qualifications
NVQ 2 in Care
NVQ 3 Supporting Independence
Why I am offering this service
I have witnessed the struggle that family members have had to get a personal service in their own home especially when you live in a rural area. This is why I have set up my own small care business as I am passionate about offering the kind of support I would give to my own family, to others within my own community.
What and who I can help
I am happy to support older people in their own homes or someone with a disability. My service is offered to work in a way that the person will lead the support that they need helping to maintain their independence
Last Updated: 29th August, 2018
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