Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Gardening and horticulture, Health and wellbeing including therapies, Help in the home or garden, Holidays and short breaks, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Sport and active pursuits, Support for carers, Support to manage money, User led, Work or volunteering,
Empower Support & Care is a small, family run business supporting people to live well and remain as independent as possible. We understand the importance of support being personal while meeting identified needs and strive to ensure that this is at the heart of our approach. We also aim to provide support that is flexible to changing routines and interests and that it is led by those being supported.
Support may include help to complete daily tasks such as meal planning and shopping, learning new and improving existing skills, accessing social activities and being more active to improve physical health.
We are also able to assist with managing finances, making and attending appointments, completing paperwork and planning for both short and long term goals.
Empower Support & Care also offers a companionship service which enables families and/or informal carers to have regular breaks from their caring roles.
Currently we are working with older persons and adults with learning disabilities but would be happy to discuss support centred around other needs.
Areas: Barton-Le-Clay, Streatley, Caddington, Kensworth, Whipsnade, Markyate, Toddington, Charlton, Harlington, Silsoe, Slip End, Lilley, Offley, Preston, Gosmore, Hitchin, Shillington, Kings Walden, Kimpton, Breachwood Green, Dunstable, Harpenden.
Last Updated: 19th September, 2024
Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.
Member of NACAS