Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Help in the home or garden, Hobbies and interests, Holidays and short breaks, Personal care, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Support for carers, Transport,
I have 20 years’ experience in an adult home care and now offer support to those who need a little extra help to remain in their own home. I can provide:
personal care (washing, showering, bathing, dressing)
meal preparation
support you to appointments
administer medication
domestic duties
sitting service if family members are away for longer periods
night sits
just be a companion, to have a little company.
I have a full clear DBS. I will encourage your independence and be someone you can talk to. I will give peace of mind to your family that you are safe and well. I will run a daily diary, to keep track on what has been done and log any problems, illnesses, queries or changes.
Last Updated: 1st April, 2019
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