Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Gardening and horticulture, Help in the home or garden, Hobbies and interests, Holidays and short breaks, Personal care, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Sport and active pursuits, Support to manage money, Transport, User led, Work or volunteering,
My name is Katy.
With a background in the charity sector and hospitality I am now working part time in my local community providing practical, person-centred support to help you stay independent. I am a caring and empathetic person, and I believe in dignity and equality for everyone. I’d love the opportunity to see how together we can enhance and support your daily life and activities.
I am available to help with many daily tasks from shopping, cooking and preparing meals, gardening, housework, some aspects of personal care, support collecting medication to spending time supporting you in your hobbies whether that’s getting out for a coffee or trip, crafts or reading your favourite book. I make a very good cup of tea! This is by no means an exhaustive list, every person has unique needs and I’d be very happy to chat to you to find out how I might best support you.
For many families and individuals the services I provide give peace of mind, freeing up loved ones to spend more quality time together and keeping you fit and well for longer. Anything we discuss will be treated with confidentiality and should family members need to be kept informed this is all part of the service I can provide.
Fully DBS checked
Full clean driving licence
Areas: Glaisdale, Egton, Grosmont, Danby, Castleton, Aislaby, Whitby
Languages: English
Last Updated: 13th November, 2024
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