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Linda Cares Services

Hi, my name is Linda. I have worked in social care with adults and children and am passionate about people living their best lives and keeping them well in their own homes.

I offer the following services :

Personal care, such as showering, bathing, hair styling and helping you to choose an outfit from your wardrobe.

Meal planning and preparation, my cooking skills are multiethnic. I can cook Italian, Nigerian, Caribbean and British food. I can prepare them daily or in bulk to store in the freezer and eat when you like.

Cleaning your home, taking the bin out and helping you with laundry.

Getting out and about, socialising and taking you to the doctor, cinema, social events, friends and family etc.

I am an approachable friendly lady and a good listener. I will enjoy listening to your life story and you sharing your knowledge and experiences with me.


Areas: Stoke on trent, Newcastle under Lyme and Staffordshire.

Languages: English, Italian, Pidgin

Last Updated: 3rd January, 2025

Provider has taken part in the Community Catalysts development programme

Quality recognition and indicator awards

Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.

Disclosure and barring check:
  • owner/manager
  • all workers (in eligible roles)
  • Social Enterprise Mark
Award or recognition:

Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly. I have been through the Community Catalysts programme in Stoke-on-Trent - 31/01/2024 Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly.