Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreAdvice and information, Counselling and therapies, Education, training and learning, Food and drink, Health and wellbeing including therapies, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Support for carers,
Neurocafe Tonbridge: Your Braincare Sanctuary
If you live with a neuroscience condition such as Parkinson’s MS, Epilepsy, PTSD, Depression, ADHD etc and would like to meet up with a growing support network of people, we have the perfect place for you to come along to. The Neurocafe Tonbridge, is open to all who would like to offer and receive support through personal experience in a safe and friendly space. We hold the Neurocafe on every third Thursday of the month.
There is no charge to attend, but a small donation for refreshment would be welcomed.
All conversations are handled with care and in confidence. If you wish to come along or you have a friend who would be interested, please just pop along when you can.
Areas: Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells
Last Updated: 2nd February, 2024
Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.
Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly. I have been through the Community Catalysts programme in Kent - 19/09/2023 Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly.