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Quantock Homecare

Hi, my name is Kelly and I run Quantock homecare and support. I have over 25 years’ experience of working in health and social care including residential and nursing homes, g/p practices, hospitals, home care, schools and homeless centres. I also have trained and have experience of working with people of all ages with dementia, mental health, end of life support and some learning difficulty.

I offer services such as personal care, companionship, form filling out, dog walking, appointment trips, shopping, going for coffee etc. I am willing to discuss your requirements with you to create a suitable package of care or support personal to you.





Areas: Williton, Watchet, Quantock hills, Holford, Kilve, Stogursey, Bicknoller, Stogumber, Crowcombe, Monksilver, Roadwater.

Languages: English

Last Updated: 10th November, 2022

Quality recognition and indicator awards

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Disclosure and barring check:
  • owner/manager
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