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My name is Sarah and I created TokyoActive because I believe that through physical activity you can create a happy, positive outcome in your life as well as improving your physical and mental health.

My aim is to help you re-connect with an activity that you loved doing by offering a 1:1 personal service to get you up and doing it again. We all need a helping hand so if you are feeling anxious, isolated or need the support for another reason to get moving again then please get in touch.

I can help organise the travel to the location, stay with you whilst you complete the activity and ensure you get back home safely.

So, if you fancy getting out on foot, bike, play a game of badminton or swim a few lengths then please get in touch with me and lets see how we can get you back up and active.

Languages: English

Last Updated: 23rd May, 2024

Provider has taken part in the Community Catalysts development programme

Quality recognition and indicator awards

Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.

Award or recognition:

Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly. I have been through the Community Catalysts programme in Central Bedfordshire - 27/03/2024 Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly.