Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Help in the home or garden, Personal care, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Support to manage money, Transport, Work or volunteering,
Hi. My name is Angeline, I have worked in the care sector for over 16 years and as a community leader for 12 years and at the heart of what I do is treating people as whole individuals not as numbers; understanding who they are as people. Listening to them and wanting them to fulfil their purpose regardless of where they are and who they are. My aim is to bring a touch of spring by enriching each person I care for with a sense of enjoyment and life.
My team and I at Whiteshed Healthcare are well trained, professional, and most importantly passionate about making people feel valued, respected and listened to. We strive for the clients to experience peace, belonging, joy, liberty and purpose.
Each person can freely choose the best way they want to be cared for according to what they need and want which can include:
Personal care
Light housework
Meal preparation and feeding needs
Supported companionship
Medication administration
Help keeping appointments
If you want a professional, caring and compassionate service that brings a touch of spring to you or your loved one’s life, contact me. I would like to help.
Areas: Birmingham, Walsall, West Bromwich, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Tipton
Languages: English, Shona, Punjabi, Sinhala
Last Updated: 3rd October, 2023
Regus Office 428
4th Floor
84 Salop Street
Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.
Registered with the care regulator for CQC Date of registration: 22/12/2022
Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly. I have been through the Community Catalysts programme in Birmingham - 25/09/2023 Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly.