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Grants from the Ford Britain Trust

The Ford Britain Trust is a grant making charity formed and funded by Ford Motor Company Limited, offering both small and larger grants to organisations across the UK. They pay special attention to projects focusing on education, environment, children, the disabled, youth activities, and projects that provide clear benefits to the local communities close to their UK locations.

They have five cycles each year for grant donations.

Small grant applications (of up to £250) are welcomed three times a year from:

  • 1st April to 30th June for review in July
  • 1st August to 31st October for review in November
  • 1st December to 28th February for review in April

Large grant applications (of up to £3,000) are welcomed twice a year from:

  • 1st March to 31st July for review by our Board of Trustees in September/October
  • 1st September to 31st January for review by our Board of Trustees in March

Find out more and fill out an application form.