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Have you heard about the campaign for Nina’s Law?

We wanted to give you the lowdown on Nina’s Law: a campaign that’s making waves on It could bring some big changes to how small care providers like you support your customers as their mission is to allow carers to continue supporting disabled patients during hospital stays. Nina’s Law aims to make care better and fairer for vulnerable people, and it’s all about helping small, community-based care providers (that’s you!) play an even bigger role in their service-users’ lives.

Instead of stepping back when your customers go into hospital, you can stay involved. You could be the friendly, familiar face they need, keeping their spirits up and helping them recover faster. You already know their routines, preferences, and quirks, so you’d be able to make sure their care stays consistent and comfortable. Not only that, but you’d also be their advocate, helping to spot any issues in their treatment and improving communication (especially important if they have cognitive or communication challenges). Plus, you could lend a hand with those little daily things they trust you with, like eating, dressing, or brushing their teeth. Sounds pretty great, right? Nina’s Law could mean a big win for the care sector, your business, and, most importantly, the people you support!

Want to know more? Check out the campaign and petition!