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Looking back on our latest community event

We held our latest community event at St Albans Church in Watchfield. There were nine local organisations represented with a wide range of activities, support, resources, and information available. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were lucky that the snow had not caused transport disruptions.

The focus of these events is to connect with communities and the general public who may have ideas on what an area needs for the local people, but also to give the opportunity for those providing great things to connect with each other.

It was fantastic to see the new West VoWH mobility scheme vehicle in person, and what an amazing resource for local people who have transport issues getting to and from health and wellbeing appointments!

Thank you to everyone who came along and who supports the project.

by Anita Wingad (Community Enterprise Catalyst)

Photograph of venue
Venue for event
Photograph of mobility vehicle
Mobility vehicle