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Micro-enterprise project in Thurrock

Since the inception of the programme in 2015, we have supported the development of well over a hundred micro-enterprises. They provide a variety of services: the majority in the care and well-being sector. These enterprises have added a hugely positive dynamic to the communities they serve, and their success has generated much interest, hence the continued expansion of micros. The programme supports the local economy with bespoke, person-centred services, and has social benefit for both the people receiving and providing the service.

Thurrock currently has one full time officer supporting this programme who is becoming increasingly stretched as more services require support. There is a danger that we are missing out on the establishment of a range of local entrepreneurs with excellent ideas, who could provide exciting and much needed local economic activity, whilst also creating a very positive impact upon their own, and others’, well-being and sense of purpose.

We will therefore expand the programme to deliver a ‘Community Economic Unit’ (CEU) in each of the Primary Care Network areas that could support both the ongoing development of micro-enterprises and provide the kind of practical advice and guidance needed to support other forms of community economic development. CEUs will work closely with the new Community Reference and Investment Boards.

See more information.

If you would like to set up your own micro-enterprise, please complete our community micro-enterprise enquiry form, or send an email to