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Making a difference to people and communities

Today, we publish our impact report 2023-24 which looks back at the year and the impact our work has had for people and communities across the UK.

This year it is themed to align with our key strategic objectives. We want:

  • people to have greater choice and control over their care and support
  • people to have more say in how services are designed and delivered
  • the health and care system to think about prevention strategies
  • everyone to live a good life as connected and contributing citizens

In the report you will see some great examples of authorities, places and people that are achieving this with our support.

I look forward with hope. We have a new government and with it an opportunity to double down on the things that we know matter to the people and communities we work in. I will be working with my team and partners across the sector to continue to push for change, by showing what is possible and what we know works.

Pip Cannons, CEO

Thanks to all those who have championed and supported our work over this past year.