The festive season will soon be upon us and with it comes the end of a year and the beginning of a new one. For Community Catalysts, it coincides with some endings and new beginnings for members of our Board.
After four years of service, Andy Tilden will step down as Chair and Paul Morton, a serving member will kindly step into the role. Sarah Burslem, a longstanding member will also step down as trustee.
We would like to thank both Andy and Sarah for their commitment, passion and support over the past years. Their contributions have played a key role in the success of Community Catalysts.
Andy commented:
“Four years ago, I was asked to join the Community Catalysts Board as a trustee. I had worked alongside the organisation for several years and was aware of the great work the organisation was achieving to support people who had cause to draw on care and support. So, without hesitation I accepted.
Four years later and with changes to the senior management team, the board and with Pip as CEO I am pleased to report that Community Catalysts has continued to build on strong foundations. It’s a wonderful organisation packed with great people doing great things.
I am proud to have been associated with Community Catalysts, especially as the organisation is at the forefront of dynamic thinking to enable people to live the best lives possible.”
Sarah reflected:
“I had been an admirer from a distance having seen first-hand how inspirational Community Catalysts’ approach to the transformation of traditional social care services could be. MacIntyre asked Sian Lockwood, Angela Catley, Helen Allen and Jill Wighton to work alongside us as we developed our cultural transformation programme. This programme focused on how we could intentionally nurture the skills and talents of people who draw on our support and enable them to make a contribution to the shaping of the neighbourhoods where they live. This period of time is without doubt a significant milestone in our cultural history and continues to underpin all that we do today.
I have been inspired by the individual talent and collective ‘can do’ attitude of the organisation: qualities that mean Community Catalysts has always in my view punched well above its weight. I am proud of the respect that there is for the organisation across the sector and proud of the influence that Community Catalysts has in developing innovative solutions to the very real social challenges of the day. It has been a privilege to watch the organisation grow under Pip Cannons’ leadership – growth that has led to increased connections, and a deepening of the influence that the organisation has at such a critical time.
I am confident that this impact and influence will continue and that with added capacity at an operational and board level a step-up in momentum will be achieved. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful organisation and I will continue to support you all in whatever way I can.”
All of us at Community Catalysts wish both Andy and Sarah all the very best in future endeavours.
We are pleased to announce that Jacqui McElhinny, a current member of the Board will now Chair the HR Committee. And we would like to warmly welcome Andrea Parr, Director of Adult Services at MacIntyre as a new trustee.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Board to make better possible for people and communities across the UK.