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Total Place: an opportunity to reimagine public services

Profile pictures of two people
Donna Hall and Nick Sinclair

The Local Government Chronicle has published an article by Nick Sinclair, Programme Director at Community Catalysts and Donna Hall, Chair of Mutual Ventures, which argues for key shifts in the delivery and philosophy of public services.

Despite the current challenges faced by people and communities, they both see a renewed sense of hope, where bold and creative ideas like ‘Total Place’ are making a comeback in policy conversations. Total Place aims to bring public sector organisations together in place to tackle complex challenges collaboratively, while building on the unique strengths of local communities.

They talk about approaches that are Total Place focused, including the Wigan Deal at Wigan MBC which saw improvements in public health and healthy life expectancy, and Local Area Coordination (LAC) in Derby which is embedded in every neighbourhood since it began there in 2012.  Local Area Coordinators in Derby are the friendly, human face of the council: holistic, place-based professionals who walk alongside people facing challenges, helping them identify their vision for a good life and supporting them to achieve it.


Looking back, perhaps something like Local Area Coordination was the missing piece in the Total Place puzzle the first time. Both philosophically and practically, LAC demonstrates what it means to shift from top-down delivery to a collaborative, community-powered models of change.

Nick and Donna argue that by embracing principles like those in Local Area Coordination we can reimagine public services to better reflect the needs and aspirations of us all as citizens.

This is our opportunity to build a brighter, more inclusive future—one that facilitates a way for communities to unlock their potential whilst services do what they need to do best. We have a moment here to lead boldly, collaboratively, and creatively toward a better future for all.  Let’s not waste it!