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We’re commissioning the development of an evaluation tool

We have ambitions to grow our Community Micro-enterprise Programme and extend our Small Good Stuff Network so that more people can benefit. We know that public resources are tight and rightly there is increased rigour in deciding where to spend them.

We want to use our own resources to fund the development of an evaluation tool to help local authorities and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to fully understand the financial value of these small enterprises. This is so they can continue (or start) to invest in our programme and help small enterprises have lasting impact on people and local economy.

We are looking to commission an organisation or individual with specialist expertise to develop an evaluation tool that we can use to demonstrate the financial impact and value of our programmes:

  • Individually – to help build the case for a Local Authority / ICB investment in starting a programme and maintaining it. Ensuring local programmes are set up for the long term.
  • Collectively – across all our Community Micro-enterprise Development Programmes, to help us identify the drivers of financial sustainability so we can strengthen our programme further and evidence the financial impact on the public sector.

Full specification, deliverables and guidance for submitting an expression of interest are in the document attached below.

The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday, 31 January 2025.