Personalised Care is a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan.
It is a whole system approach that enables a variety of services across the health, social care, public health and community spectrum to be integrated around the individual in order to deliver better outcomes and experiences.
The Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care outlines six interlinked components, which all need to be delivered together and in full to get maximum benefit:
- Shared decision making (involving all those involved in providing care and the individual needing support as equals)
- Personal Care and Support Plans (jointly agreed) – for the 30% with one or more long-term conditions
- Enabling the recipient of care to have personal choice over the content of their package of care
- Social Prescribing and Community-based support (as an adjunct or alternative to medical treatment)
- (Supported) self-management of their own care by the individual involved
- Personal Health Budgets (to fund personal care plans) and integrated personal care budgets (where social care is needed too)