The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) requested that Think Local Act Personal (TLAP), as part of its grant funded work programme, undertake activity to support the development of the Care Workforce Pathway (subsequently referred to in this report as the Pathway).
A podcast about big ideas in health and care. We talk with experts from The King’s Fund and beyond about the NHS, social care, and all things health policy and leadership. New episodes monthly.
As digital technologies have developed, there has been a slow but significant shift in people using digital tools to access health and care services – and in health and care services using digital tools to deliver services.
Adult social care information and advice are essential and getting them right means that people are more likely to be able to make informed choices and access the right support at the right time and place. This can make a big difference for someone and ultimately can improve their health and wellbeing. It also helps councils to manage and prioritise their assessment processes and resources.
In the blog Fraser discusses the power of virtual group consultations to support the delivery of personalised care and some upcoming initiatives around offering virtual group consultations across the NHS.
A volunteer is someone who dedicates their time and effort to a cause or organisation without expecting financial compensation.
People who are supported to participate in their own health and care have improved patient experience.
We know that the most powerful personalised care conversations happen, when a coach-approach is taken, which involves adopting the mindset and core skills of coaching, or for this audience, health-coaching, to have more person-centred conversations.
A decade on since the Care Act received Royal Assent, our publication reflects on the extent to which the aims of the legislation have been achieved and, where they have not, what changes are needed to deliver fully on the Act’s ambitions.
Building on the projections in Health in 2040, this report is one of the first studies to unpack patterns of inequalities in diagnosed illness by socioeconomic deprivation across England and project them into the future.
In the Two Co-production Journeys document you can explore diverse approaches, real-life experiences, and practical recommendations for co-production from individuals with lived experience and staff, inspiring you to develop your own co-production approach.
Directors of adult social services in each council were sent a link to the online questionnaire via email at the start of September 2023.