Kings Fund Blog
17 April 2024

With a return to basics, is the spring Budget a game changer for NHS technology?

The key question though is whether this funding, and the associated commitments, will radically transform the NHS’s digital performance and translate into improvements in patient experience and outcomes.

Read more about With a return to basics, is the spring Budget a game changer for NHS technology?
Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services paper
21 March 2024

Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services

Currently, it is estimated that more than one in five people in the UK are living in poverty.
Our analysis reveals that people living in poverty find it harder to live a healthy life, live with greater illness, face barriers to accessing timely treatment, and die earlier than the rest of the population.

Read more about Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services
Social Care 360
21 March 2024

Social Care 360

Our latest Social care 360 review highlights that adult requests for social care have hit a record high of two million, and that across the sector the key measures all point towards a social care system that is under intense pressure.

Read more about Social Care 360
Putting the care back into health care. BLOG front
6 February 2024

Putting the care back into health care means treating children as people not statistics

Children growing up in disadvantage are increasingly more likely to experience ill health. Rukshana Kapasi, Director of Health at Barnardo’s, explains how three integrated care systems are trialling different ways of doing things to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Read more about Putting the care back into health care means treating children as people not statistics
The practice of collaborative leadership
4 February 2024

The practice of collaborative leadership – Across health and care services

This King’s Fund report shares insights and evidence about how to collaborate well to build a stronger collaborative ethos across health and care services.

Read more about The practice of collaborative leadership – Across health and care services
Caring in a complex world Report
4 February 2024

Caring in a complex world: perspectives from unpaid carers and the organisations that support them

Unpaid carers provide significant levels of support to family or friends – equivalent to 4 million paid care workers. Carers often need support with their own health and wellbeing, but they are not always able to access this.

Read more about Caring in a complex world: perspectives from unpaid carers and the organisations that support them
Designing a social care system fit for the 21st century
4 February 2024

Designing a social care system fit for the 21st century: strengths and weaknesses of the Care Act 2014

The first part of the Care Act 2014 drew heavily on the Law Commission’s review of adult social care. The review began in 2007 and its initial terms of reference did not even refer to carers or the notion of wellbeing but both came to feature heavily in the Act,

Read more about Designing a social care system fit for the 21st century: strengths and weaknesses of the Care Act 2014
Kings Fund Tackling health inequalities on NHS waiting lists report
30 January 2024

Tackling health inequalities on NHS waiting lists Learning from local case studies

Structural, economic and social factors can lead to inequalities in the length of time people wait for NHS planned hospital care.

Read more about Tackling health inequalities on NHS waiting lists Learning from local case studies
Moving care closer to home:
5 October 2023

Moving care closer to home: three unanswered questions

When trying to envision the future of the health and care system in England, the difficult question to answer is not ‘What do we do?’ – the vision for care has been outlined by multiple governments in countless policy documents – but ‘How do we actually make it happen?’

Read more about Moving care closer to home: three unanswered questions
Back to basics – understanding lived experience and intersectionality in health and care
15 August 2023

Back to basics – understanding lived experience and intersectionality in health and care

There is a well-established case for involving communities and people with lived experience in health and care policy, service design and delivery.

Read more about Back to basics – understanding lived experience and intersectionality in health and care
Social Care matters to us all Event KF
9 August 2023

Social care matters to us all

This is not a new story, but potentially one of many years of carelessness. The forgotten decades of reform that The King’s Fund blog so aptly captured, leaving social care not just the Cinderella service, but perhaps more aptly Sleeping Beauty – tucked away to slumber while everyone else moved on.

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Social Care matters to us all blog
9 August 2023

Social care matters to us all

The first part of the Care Act 2014 drew heavily on the Law Commission’s review of adult social care. The review began in 2007 and its initial terms of reference did not even refer to carers or the notion of wellbeing but both came to feature heavily in the Act

Read more about Social care matters to us all