An exciting new partnership project that sees Community Catalysts working with Nottingham City Council. A 10-month project which started in September 2022.
The project has a focus on disabled children and young people and their families. It aims to find ways to increase the range of options, activities, groups and opportunities available in the City. Opportunities rooted in local communities that give young people and their families a break from each other, whilst also enabling children to have a great time.
This new project will develop and test a new approach – making sure we hear first from parents and carers and can build on what is really wanted and needed. Offering a tailored development programme, it will help local people who already run organisations, enterprises and groups to diversify what they do. It will help them to understand what is needed by young people and their families and take steps to offer it. It will also work with the council to help them adapt the ways they currently buy activities and support, developing new ways that work for a wider range of community organisations.
We are particularly interested in developing opportunities for children and young people who have complex health needs and/or physical disabilities, those who communicate in ways that others find challenging, and youngsters with learning disabilities or who are autistic. We are focusing on children over eight, and on teenagers in particular.
We are hopeful that enterprises and groups that emerge from the process will offer local support that enables children and young people to do a range of different things in their community, funded by the council as much as possible, either directly or using Direct Payments.