Start-up grants to help new businesses located within Stoke-on-Trent.
Initiative aimed at furnishing crucial life skills to individuals aged 18-25 who have autism.
Community Catalysts are working with Cyngor Gwynedd to help people set up small community enterprises that offer care or support to older or disabled people living in the area.
More Community Lounges have opened around the city.
Support paying energy bills.
Computer courses covering key things needed to set up your own enterprise.
Free anticipatory grief and bereavement training from Karen Dutton.
Reflecting on the Careers Fair at Pontypridd Library.
Free Community Catalysts Development Programme helping you to set up your own micro-enterprise, offering care or support to local people.
Fran, the Community Catalyst in Gwynedd, had the opportunity to attend the Eisteddfod.
Free course on how to support individuals with mental ill health, teaching you about different types of mental ill health and how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses.
Free training course on an introduction to autism for parents, families, and carers.