Starting on 4th March, our Community Catalyst for Oxfordshire, Anita Wingad, will be at The Pump House Project to meet anyone who is interested in the development programme.
Community Action Groups (CAG) Oxfordshire have just released some great training opportunities aimed at those volunteering and taking leadership roles within community groups in Oxfordshire.
January is not a big event month, but a great time to look and plan for the better weather when everyone can more easily get out and about. Tripadvisor can be a fantastic resource for finding activities.
We held our latest community event at St Albans Church in Watchfield. There were nine local organisations represented with a wide range of activities, support, resources, and information available.
We are excited to announce our next community event on 20th November, which will be opened up to the wider community and groups.
We hosted the latest community event in Wantage on Wednesday 11th September at the Down to Earth Café.
Sovereign Housing have some fantastic community funds available for small registered charities and volunteer groups, and you do not have to be a customer of Sovereign Housing!
Healthwatch Oxfordshire gather peoples’ thoughts about and experiences of health services, and would like to hear from anyone who has recently had a hospital stay.
Community Catalysts held their third community event at the Delaney’s Nightclub and Music Venue in the centre of Wantage town, which led onto their first Advisory Group Meeting.
The Delaney’s Nightclub has started fortnightly inclusive disco evenings for adults with learning difficulties and their carers.
Community venue in Wantage helping local businesses and entrepreneurs to have accessible space.
Free resources at the BIPC (Business Intellectual Properties Centre).