Reconfiguring NHS services statutory guidance
6 February 2024

Reconfiguring NHS services – ministerial intervention powers

New ministerial intervention powers from 31 January 2024
This guidance sets out the new process for ministerial intervention in reconfiguration of NHS services, which came into force on 31 January 2024.

Read more about Reconfiguring NHS services – ministerial intervention powers
National Green Social prescribing research
13 April 2023

National green social prescribing delivery capacity assessment – final report

To address this aim, we developed a methodology that combines extensive and intensive research phases. In the extensive phase we build a broad picture of the GSP landscape in England. In the intensive phase we provide more granular insights into GSP focused on 6 deep dive locations across the country.

Read more about National green social prescribing delivery capacity assessment – final report
Man of colour in a garden
13 April 2023

Social Prescribing Information Sheet for Local Carer Organisations

This short guide for anyone working at a local carer support organisation and explains what social prescribing is, how it can help unpaid carers, and how you can get involved in social prescribing projects

Read more about Social Prescribing Information Sheet for Local Carer Organisations
Exploring perceptions DH&SC Research
30 March 2023

Exploring perceptions of green social prescribing among clinicians and the public

Green social prescribing (GSP) is the practice of supporting people to engage in nature-based interventions and activities to improve their mental health

Read more about Exploring perceptions of green social prescribing among clinicians and the public