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10 July 2024

Adult social care information and advice toolkit

Adult social care information and advice are essential and getting them right means that people are more likely to be able to make informed choices and access the right support at the right time and place. This can make a big difference for someone and ultimately can improve their health and wellbeing. It also helps councils to manage and prioritise their assessment processes and resources.

Read more about Adult social care information and advice toolkit
The Care Act 2014 10 Years on from Royal Ascent
30 May 2024

The Care Act 2014: Ten years on from Royal Assent

A decade on since the Care Act received Royal Assent, our publication reflects on the extent to which the aims of the legislation have been achieved and, where they have not, what changes are needed to deliver fully on the Act’s ambitions.

Read more about The Care Act 2014: Ten years on from Royal Assent
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14 May 2024

Adult mental health social care: Report from the findings of the 2023 insight survey

Directors of adult social services in each council were sent a link to the online questionnaire via email at the start of September 2023.

Read more about Adult mental health social care: Report from the findings of the 2023 insight survey
Public Health annual report 2023
13 April 2023

Public health annual report 2023: Supporting communities in difficult times

This year’s eleventh annual public health report reflects on the last year and focusses on how councils have responded to the rising cost of living.

Read more about Public health annual report 2023: Supporting communities in difficult times