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We have been commissioned by the Economic Development Team at Bedford Borough Council, which has received UK Shared Prosperity Funding to support the local social economy. Bedford Borough Council recognises the importance of fostering local economic growth and job creation through the support of social enterprises. With their focus on small enterprises, they aim to empower people working at a “micro” level to set up an enterprise and keep money circulating within the local economy. The council is particularly interested in enterprises that can provide care and support for local citizens to help them to lead a good life so have us to support this important project. This initiative aligns with their broader goal of promoting shared prosperity, enhancing the social fabric of the community and community wealth building.

We have worked in Central Bedfordshire supporting a similar project for a number of years so have a local presence in the surrounding areas which we will be pleased to link in with.

Elaine Davin-Jones National Project Support Officer at Community Catalysts will be coordinating the project running surgeries and workshops for local people who are interested in helping other local people.