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The Big Conversation in Bolton

A vision for better day services

Bolton Council knows the importance of people having varied and creative opportunities to live a good life, with positive links to their community. These opportunities might include employment, art, outings, leisure, learning, fitness and friendships.

In autumn 2021, Community Catalysts supported Bolton Council and Bolton Cares to launch a joint Big Conversation about a fresh approach to day services in Bolton. The aim was to coproduce a new vision with those who would use the services – to create more flexible, creative and convenient services

Logo with text: The Big Conversation by Community Catalysts

The Big Conversation approach

Several engagement sessions were held, including one-to-one conversation and focus groups with various stakeholders. Questionnaires were also completed by anyone with a direct link to, or future interest in accessing daytime support in Bolton. This was carried out for two distinct groups: people living with a learning disability and/or autism; and older adults including adults living with dementia.

For the partnership, it placed knowledge and understanding closer to the people who would use the services and provided the project team with a range of like-minded preferences and aspirations. This helped to define the direction of travel for improvements to the service. A final report was produced for the partners which provided recommendations for action.

A truly person-centred planning approach

The Big Conversation led to a reframing of the services known as  Life Opportunities. It offers people new opportunities and to connect with their communities to have fun, build friendships and get out and about.

It also marked the beginning of ongoing personalised conversations to impact the support each person receives. It initiated a shift to a truly person-centred planning approach where every individual is better able to realise their ambitions and spend their time in the way they choose.

We have moved at a pace never expected. This opportunity to improve our services has  brought us all together in a natural and energetic way to see and hear people’s stories evolving. The people we support are enjoying greater lifestyle choices. Working side by side with people we continue to gather the support and momentum from families, carers and professionals

Interested in The Big Conversation approach?

The Big Conversation is an approach that supports people and organisations to have quality and insightful conversations with communities and groups to coproduce action plans for change. Find out more.