It is so good to see so much work being channelled into social prescribing, community connectors and health and wellbeing hubs. The amount of resources and money allocated to it is great step in the right direction.
Since Tony Blair set up a Royal Commission on Social Care in 1998 and, after decades of indecision, the eagerly anticipated blueprint for the overdue renewal of Social Care was always likely to be disappointing.
As part of our successful drive to grow and diversify, we’re pleased to welcome the Pernicious Anaemia Society (PAS) as a new partner of the Coalition.
As the Coalition diversifies, enhancing representation across communities, we’re pleased to welcome Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre (HS4LC) as a new partner of C4PC.
This Dementia Awareness Week, two members of C4PC’s Programme Board have a recorded a powerful and insightful conversation about what personalised care means in the context of dementia.
In this latest blog, our Co-Chair, Kim Ryley provides commentary on the latest health and social care White Paper and his thoughts on what it may mean for the Coalition for Personalised Care.
As today is Rare Disease Day, I would like to share with you some of my experience of navigating life with rare conditions.