We believe the path to a healthier, more inclusive nation lies in community power! Read the report and join our call to action!
The Making It Real statements are based on principles and values of personalisation and community-based support, including the five mentioned in this blog. But unless we change the language that dominates our practice, we’ll never make these principles and values real.
Co-production is one of the pillars of best practice in health and social care and it has been at the core of our work here at the Coalition for Personalised Care (C4PC) for many years.
Created as a vehicle for empowering people living with dementia to document and celebrate their own experiences and perspectives, The Photobook Project is a fine example of Personalised Care focusing on improving wellbeing and quality of life.
To me, strategic co-production is bringing the collective lived experience voice of the wider population to a time and place where it can be equally considered alongside other key stakeholders.
As someone with multiple long-term conditions, I rely on continuity of holistic, high-quality professional care and support for me to self-manage as much of my health as possible.
Today the BBC has highlighted an issue that poses huge challenges to both our NHS but also the day-to-day existence of one in four people in the population suffer from chronic pain.
Emma has worked over many areas of social care including youth work, homelessness, addictions, mental health, criminal justice and most recently within domestic abuse community and residential settings.
The White Paper’s focus on prevention and early intervention, are the right way forward-as is a willingness to see innovative new approaches to overcoming the deficits of the current system, which COVID has exposed.
I knew that I was going to need care sometime in the future, as at the age of thirty, I was diagnosed with a deteriorating, non-treatable, muscle wasting disease and, at that time, I had an amazing dream job working for the Local Authority.
It is so good to see so much work being channelled into social prescribing, community connectors and health and wellbeing hubs. The amount of resources and money allocated to it is great step in the right direction.
Since Tony Blair set up a Royal Commission on Social Care in 1998 and, after decades of indecision, the eagerly anticipated blueprint for the overdue renewal of Social Care was always likely to be disappointing.