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New C4PC Partner – Empowerment Passport Ltd

Please join us in Introducing a new Partner of Coalition for Personalised Care (C4PC): Empowerment Passport Ltd

Empowerment Passport is a digital platform enabling individuals with long term health conditions or disabilities to think about and communicate their unique adjustment needs in any of the following settings

·       Education (school/college/university

·       Employment (part time/fulltime, temporary and permanent

·       Any transition (between education to employment, or one job to another)

A companion document for life, the Empowerment Passport enables best practise whilst unlocking one’s potential.

Mandy Whalley Founder and Director of Empowerment Passport Ltd is delighted to be a part of the Coalition for Personalised Care. Empowerment Passport Ltd can provide specific training around reasonable adjustments for any organisation.  Mandy founded the company is a state registered Occupational Therapist and also a Dyslexia specialist.

Emma Geldart, C4PC Programme Manager, said ‘Please join us in welcoming Empowerment Passport Ltd to our Partnership. If you’d like to know more about their work, please visit their website‘.