What we do
Gloucestershire Small Good Stuff does two things:
We link people who need care or support with local people who might help.
We help small organisations that offer care or support. We provide them with information, publicity and access to a friendly network.

What we believe
We're the friendly website that believes:
People want care and support at times and in ways that suit them.
Local people helping other local people is good for everyone and for communities.
Very small organisations can offer great care and be imaginative and responsive.
Very small organisations struggle to tell people what they can offer (they don’t have huge marketing budgets like the big guys).
Local links
What’s happening locally
Community organisations and resources:
- Age UK Gloucestershire – They provide information and advice on their website and over the phone, as well as doing outreach and drop-ins. They also have a phone line and a help team. Visit the site.
- Care and support guide – This gives readers information on a wide range of services that are available for people who need extra care or support, whether that’s in their own home, or in a care home if that’s the right option for them. Access the guide.
- Gloucestershire Carers Hub – Offers advice, information, and support to carers whilst offering support to someone else. Access the hub.
- Health Watch Gloucestershire – Provides advice and information about adult social care and health services in Gloucestershire. Visit the site.
- Your Circle – A directory to help navigate care and support and connect with people, places, and activities in Gloucestershire. Access the directory.
- You’re Welcome Gloucestershire – An online directory to find social events, clubs, groups, or places to visit. Access the directory.
Interested in offering care or support?
We can help you get set up
Community micro-enterprise project in Gloucestershire
If you’re thinking about working for yourself, contact your local Community Catalyst, Heather Vincent, on heather.vincent@communitycatalysts.co.uk, or 07741 260676.